Rossana De Blasi

Rossana De Blasi | Co-founder & CEO

Rossana has become known internationally as an extremely experienced introductions professional with a huge international network. She has been matching affluent clientele and highly successful entrepreneurs for years, many of whom are now in secure and fulfilling relationships.

Passionate about helping her clients to find love, after so many years, she still gets an amazing buzz when she has made a successful match, and she really can’t imagine another job which gives the same feeling of changing someone life. Rossana is charismatic, business oriented but at the same time instinctive, warm, caring and with a genuine interest in people.

Born in Italy, she went to University to London and now lives out of Geneva with frequent trips abroad. She has a background in consulting and finance with an extensive experience in leading a multi-country team. Rossana is no stranger to hard work and will consistently put in the hours to meet a client’s needs.
Between her many passions, we find Art, Photography and travel.

She speaks Italian, English and French.