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As we gain more relationship experience and mature, it becomes increasingly likely that we may date someone who hasn’t fully moved on from their ex. It’s a situation that can happen to anyone, and it’s important to remember that it’s not your fault. Feelings are unpredictable, and we don’t always choose who we fall for.
At our Introduction Agency, we’re here to help you identify whether he has truly moved on from his past relationship—or if you should be on alert. Below, we outline the key warning signs that suggest he may still be emotionally attached to his ex.
Dating a man who is not over his ex and who is emotionally unavailable can be frustrating, especially if their heart still belongs to a past relationship. This depends very much on where you are in the stages of the relationship by months. While some men manage to move on quickly, others struggle with letting go—sometimes without even realising it. So how can you tell if he has truly moved on?
So, if you are looking for how to know if a guy is over his ex, here are 6 key signs:
This is a major red flag. If a man frequently brings up his ex in conversations and compares you to her, it’s a clear indication that he hasn’t moved on.
Remember, just because he makes comparisons that put you down, it doesn’t mean they are true. Every person is unique, and comparisons—especially negative ones—are unfair and often unnecessary. If he keeps bringing up his ex, he is likely still emotionally attached to her.
This is one of the most obvious signs that he is not over his ex. If a breakup is truly in the past, both individuals should be able to move on without needing constant communication.
If they broke up a long time ago and remain casual friends, it might not be an issue. However, if the breakup was recent and painful, ongoing conversations between them could be a sign that he is still emotionally invested. If you find yourself wondering “Is he still in love with his ex?”, this situation could definitely raise doubts.
Has he kept her clothes, shoes, personal items, or even photos of them together? If so, alarm bells should be ringing—because this strongly suggests he misses her.
However, before jumping to conclusions, consider asking him about it. It’s possible she simply hasn’t picked up her belongings yet. In that case, it may not mean anything—but if he’s holding onto her things for sentimental reasons, it’s a different story.
“Tell me what you boast about, and I’ll tell you what you lack.” This old saying rings true when it comes to spotting a man who isn’t over his ex.
If he frequently says how relieved he is to be single, how little he misses her, or how much better his life is now, he may be overcompensating. Sometimes, men try to convince themselves (and others) that they’ve moved on—when, deep down, they haven’t.
This is a huge red flag—and also a slightly toxic habit. Constantly monitoring an ex’s social media isn’t healthy, nor is it a sign of someone who has truly moved on.
If he’s always checking what she posts, it raises the question: Is he still in love with his ex? He might be, or he might just be bitter and curious about her life. Either way, this kind of behaviour should be a cause for concern.
Every breakup is different. Some relationships end amicably, while others leave one or both people feeling hurt and angry. If your boyfriend is still bitter about his ex, constantly bad-mouthing her and carrying resentment, it could mean he isn’t over the past.
This could also lead to trust issues in your relationship. If his last breakup ended badly, he might carry that baggage into your relationship, making it difficult for him to trust you—even if you’ve done nothing wrong. Be mindful of this, as you don’t deserve to be treated with suspicion for someone else’s mistakes.
If he constantly brings her up, keeps in touch with her, or stalks her social media, these are strong indicators that he hasn’t fully moved on. Emotional detachment takes time, but if you notice multiple red flags, it’s worth questioning whether he is truly ready for a new relationship.
You have two choices: be patient and give him time, or step back and prioritise your own happiness. If he’s still emotionally tied to his ex, he might not be capable of fully investing in a new relationship. You deserve someone who is ready to be with you, not someone who is still looking back.
Moving on from a past relationship requires time, self-reflection, and focusing on your own well-being. It’s important to cut unhealthy ties, stop checking their social media, and allow yourself to heal. Surround yourself with supportive people and focus on the future, not the past.
At Macbeth Matchmaking, we’re here to help you find a meaningful, fulfilling relationship with someone who truly values you.