What is important in relationships
28 de January de 2021 | Uncategorized
What is important in relationships

The importance of significance, certainty & love in relationships

If it’s a healthy relationship you require, one where everyone’s core needs and motivations are both known and met, one of the quickest ways to achieve this is to explore what you both values. When you know what you value in a partner and vice versa, you will more easily recognise when you are and are not receiving or providing it.

Knowing what your top emotional needs are and the order in which they resonate for you will teach you how to govern and express yourself to people. It will give you the capacity to explain why you expect the things you do and perhaps why you behave in ways that may not be easily understandable to other people. It means less guesswork involved and everyone being clear where they stand.

In this article we walk you through the themes of love, significance, certainty and their opposites. The aim is to show you how they each impact the way your relationship functions and how your preferences in these areas will affect your life.

How to forgive your ex
21 de November de 2020 | Uncategorized
How to forgive your ex

How to forgive your ex, so you can move on   The sad but realistic truth is that breaking up from your partner isn’t necessarily enough to cut any mental cords you may still have to them. Within a relationship, difficult experiences or emotional wounds can have a long-lasting reach. Sometimes they need to be actively acknowledged and healed before

Experiment with different partners
4 de April de 2020 | Uncategorized
Experiment with different partners

Want to experiment with different partners? In each decade of our lives dating can be vastly different to what we’ve previously experienced, and rightly so. As we change, so too do our needs and it’s extremely beneficial to not only recognise this, but to honour the evolution. When we’re young, the choices we make are generally governed by our environment

Relationship goals
13 de March de 2020 | Uncategorized
Relationship goals

Here’s how to set relationship goals When you’re at the start of a new relationship you have a magnificent opportunity to set some goals for how you envision your future. A lot of the challenges that people face within relationships stem from not truly knowing what it is they want, or not having the confidence to voice it. Setting goals

Is Valentine’s Day the worst day of the year for single people?
12 de February de 2018 | Uncategorized
Is Valentine’s Day the worst day of the year for single people?

Is Valentine’s Day the worst day of the year for single people? Yes, possibly… So, you’re going about your daily business as a single person, enjoying your quiet meals for one, watching old comedy re-runs on TV and hanging out with friends occasionally. You’re perfectly secure in your singledom until BAM! it’s Valentine’s Day and all hell breaks loose. Simultaneously

Valentine’s Day Ideas
1 de February de 2018 | Uncategorized
Valentine’s Day Ideas

Valentine’s Day is one of the most important dates of the year and also one of the most stressful. If you are single, celebrating this day can be a great opportunity to meet someone… Discover the best Valentine’s Day ideas!

4 Habits to adopt this New Year if you want a long-term relationship
28 de December de 2017 | Uncategorized
4 Habits to adopt this New Year if you want a long-term relationship

4 Habits to adopt this New Year if you want a long-term relationship Long-term relationships are all about establishing good habits, both as an individual and as a couple.  If you’ve got a new partner, or happen to be looking for one, then this New Year make sure you adopt these 4 practices to help you on the journey.  They

Having Christmas with someone new this year
28 de December de 2017 | Uncategorized
Having Christmas with someone new this year

Having Christmas with someone new this year? Christmas with a new partner can be a heady mix of new experiences, unexpected gifts and the discovery of weird traditions you’ve never heard of in your entire life.  It is indeed a season to cherish and with a little luck, you’ll have enough time away from work to fully engage in the

What to do about jealousy in your relationship
9 de December de 2017 | Uncategorized
What to do about jealousy in your relationship

In relationships, being protective over a loved one can feel romantic and is often an innocent and welcome signal that you’re truly cared for by a partner.  Nothing beats knowing someone has your back through thick and thin, and that they’ll do their best to ensure you stay close and safe.  A problem starts to emerge however, when being affectionately

How to learn from your relationship mistakes
3 de December de 2017 | Uncategorized
How to learn from your relationship mistakes

You will be a rare person who’s only ever had one romantic relationship in their life, and even rarer if you’ve had multiple relationships where no mistakes have ever been made.  The fact is, mistakes, slip ups, indiscretions, whatever you want to call them, they all happen.  We deal with them by learning, moving on and applying the knowledge to new situations we find ourselves in.  Here we’ve compiled a list of our top tips for learning from your mistakes, so that in the future it’s new ones you’re dealing with, and not repeats of the past